in absolute awe of Björk and always will be
the soul comes first, and the craft is to assist the soul to express yourself
I feel very inspired to paint but I can’t paint so I’m scared
I’m scared of painting, silly isn't it?
I will do it though
Because I'm brave
How It's Made
Growing up I was obsessed with "How It's Made", a documentary series that premiered on Discovery Channel 2001. This guys voice is so reassuring to me!! The content holds up, it's so aesthetically pleasing and haha the funky background music
like fish
Ideas are so beautiful and they’re so abstract
And they do exist someplace
I don’t know if there’s a name for it
And I think they exist, like fish
And I believe that if you sit quietly like fishing, you’ll catch ideas
The real, you know, beautiful big ones swim kinda deep down there
So you have to be very quiet and, you know, wait for them to come along
If you catch an idea, you know, any idea, it wasn’t there and then it is there
It might just be a small fragment of, like I say, a feature film or a song or a lyric or whatever
But you gotta write that idea down right away
And as you’re writing, sometimes it’s amazing how much comes out, you know, from that one flash
So, you get an idea and it’s like a seed
And in your mind the idea is seen and felt
And it explodes like it’s got electricity and light connected to it
And it has all the images and the feeling
And it’s like in an instant you know the idea, in an instant
Then, the thing is translating that to some medium
It could be a film idea or a painting idea or a furniture idea, it doesn’t matter
It wants to be something
It’s a seed for something
So, the whole thing is translating that idea into a medium
And in case of film, it takes a long time and you always need to go back and stay true to that idea
Transcript from a youtube video titled "David Lynch being a madman for a relentless 8 minutes and 30 seconds"
what a great person
This is a great song
I have a crush on the lochness monster
I’ve never seen him cause he lives under water
My friends are all so worried about me
Cause i just wait by the sea tenderly
And I try to tell them
He’s the fire through the rain
He’s a building under construction